AI Talk | 这几天,焕新上线试运营的EyeShenzhen多语种网站刷屏各大社交媒体平台,引得刚参加完诗词大会的AI数字人“小Eye”好生羡慕,忍不住也想和大家分享她与唐朝诗人李白“斗诗”的经历。戳开视频,一起看看小Eye在诗词大会决赛上经历了什么,听听她与李白对人工智能作诗展开的辩论吧!(本视频所有内容皆由AI生成。)
AI Talk | EyeShenzhen's multilingual website, which has been in trial operation since June 10, has made a significant impact on various social media platforms. In light of this, "Eye," an AI-generated poet who recently took part in a poetry contest, is eager to share her experience of competing against the renowned Chinese poet Li Bai in the final round. During their encounter, they engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on the potential of AI to replace humans in the creation of poems and other literary works. To delve deeper into this fascinating topic, be sure to watch the video, as all its contents are generated by AI.